Episode 29 – The Gloves Come Off in the Battle for SoccerCity, Club Tijuana Bow Out of the Liguilla

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Episode 29 – The Gloves Come Off in the Battle for SoccerCity, Club Tijuana Bow Out of the Liguilla

Nate and Dike step back into the SoccerCity conversation with a broad recap of the narrative up until this past week, and the statements that came out

Episode 18 – The Land Grab
SDSU’s role in the future of Mission Valley
Episode 32 – SoccerCity Slotted for 2018 Election, Actual Soccer and a Tribute to Tony DiCicco

Nate and Dike step back into the SoccerCity conversation with a broad recap of the narrative up until this past week, and the statements that came out first from SDSU, then FS Investors, then Mayor Kevin Faulconer, then the tea lady, then the Captain of the USS Midway, then the kit man, and so on.

Can MLS in San Diego still survive? What is SDSU’s real motivation in attempting to kill off SoccerCity? All this and more in this latest episode of the #SNPod!

Following the MLSinSD conversation, the guy swing south of the border to lament the season of our beloved Club Tijuana who fell over two legs to Tigres by a combined score of 4-0.

Quick shout outs to various champions of European leagues and a very happy birthday to Georgie Best!

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