Episode 21 – Tribute to Bay City Brewing, SoccerCity SD Update, USMNT Roster Analysis and more!


Episode 21 – Tribute to Bay City Brewing, SoccerCity SD Update, USMNT Roster Analysis and more!

Nate and Dike stopped by San Diego's favorite brewery to record the 21st (you see what we did there?) episode of the young-yet-illustrious SoccerNatio

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Nate and Dike stopped by San Diego’s favorite brewery to record the 21st (you see what we did there?) episode of the young-yet-illustrious SoccerNation Podcast.

In the longest show ever, the guys touch on basically everything, starting with an MLS in San Diego update.

Included in this PACKED show is reaction to Bruce Arena’s USMNT roster for the crucial qualifiers against Honduras and Panama, updates from the NASL expansion effort in San Diego, NPSL and PDL league updates and lots of laughter.

This one is fun. Enjoy!

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