Episode 16 – #MLSinSD Update, Plus a Premier League Check Up, and a Talk about Tijuana


Episode 16 – #MLSinSD Update, Plus a Premier League Check Up, and a Talk about Tijuana

There was a certain level of trepidation when recording this podcast. In this show we recap the last week or two of #MLSinSD news, chat about the X

The Xolos Podcast: Where is Tijuana’s attack? Xolos earn two straight losses and drop to 12th place
Tijuana Aiming for a Rebound During a Historic Moment for the Organization
Atlas 3-3 Club Tijuana: Aviles Hurtado Shines in Liga MX’s Thrilling Goalfest

There was a certain level of trepidation when recording this podcast.

In this show we recap the last week or two of #MLSinSD news, chat about the Xolos recent matches v Leon and the LA Galaxy, circle back to the Sockers, and check in with our beloved Premier League teams.

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