Episode 14 – The Good People of FS Investors and the Importance of USA v Serbia for #MLSinSD


Episode 14 – The Good People of FS Investors and the Importance of USA v Serbia for #MLSinSD

Dike and Nate breakdown the newly unveiled MLS ownership group in San Diego, and talk about the merits of the comprehensive proposal that was put fort

In Pursuit of MLS in San Diego
San Diego Sockers Win Playoff Opener; Plus Celebrity Game Wrap
Episode 16 – #MLSinSD Update, Plus a Premier League Check Up, and a Talk about Tijuana

Dike and Nate breakdown the newly unveiled MLS ownership group in San Diego, and talk about the merits of the comprehensive proposal that was put forth on Monday, assess the odds of the proposal being adopted by San Diego State University, and what sort of bearing attendance at Sunday’s USMNT match against Serbia has on the adoption of San Diego as an MLS Expansion city.

There are also two free tickets that we are giving away! Simply follow @soccer_nation, @DikeNatsai, and @NateAbuarrea on Twitter, then tweet us a reason why you should win two tickets using the #SNPod. Points for creativity will be awarded. Winners to be chosen Friday night!

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