Episode 8 – Club Tijuana Crashes Out of LigaMX Playoffs, NC Battalion and Surf Merge, soccerloco Surf Cup and more!


Episode 8 – Club Tijuana Crashes Out of LigaMX Playoffs, NC Battalion and Surf Merge, soccerloco Surf Cup and more!

Nate and Dike relive the exhilarating Liga MX playoff match between Club Tijuana and Leon. Los Xolos needed to win 3-0 or more in order to advance aft

Tijuana Aiming for a Rebound During a Historic Moment for the Organization
The Xolos Podcast: Previewing the 2018 Clausura and the season-opener against Cruz Azul
Xolos vs Pumas: Miguel “Piojo” Herrera Aims to Maintain Perfect Streak at Home

Nate and Dike relive the exhilarating Liga MX playoff match between Club Tijuana and Leon. Los Xolos needed to win 3-0 or more in order to advance after falling in the first leg 3-0, and they almost pulled it off.

The guys then review the weekend’s action in the Premier League, including Bob Bradley’s first win as Swansea manager, Manchester United’s fourth consecutive draw, and Chelsea’s championship form.

At long last the North County Battalion have confirmed their switch from NPSL to PDL. Nate and Dike discuss the merger of NCB and San Diego Surf Soccer Club and what it means for the city, before turning attention to the Second Annual Premier League Supporters’ Holiday Party benefiting YALLA SD.


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